Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sounds of Haiti

Crowing roosters, barking dogs
No need for an alarm clock
A woman speaking in a foreign tongue, selling her wares
Voices outside, socializing as they prepare the morning meal
I can hear you Jesus

Songs come from the lips of laboring men, to help them pass the day
Motorcycles, whiz by with Haitians riding three or four deep
Water comes splashing, pouring out into buckets, but not without effort
Crackling fire, it is meal time, a relief from the exhaustion the morning brings
I can hear you Jesus

Shouting “blanco” and asking me “What is your name?”
Giggling at my efforts to speak Creole
Cheering, clapping, laughing after a victorious soccer match
Sometimes silence, smiling, slipping their tiny hand in mine
I can hear you Jesus

Day’s end
The sound of competition on the basketball court
Praises pouring from a small church
My pencil scratches furiously on the page
Recounting the events of the day
I can hear you Jesus

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